  • The Door within Doors (Ultimate view point) 門中門 (另外視角)

    Oil on Canvas 油畫 40F( 100x80cm) 2015   Throughout our life, we always walk through all kind of doors for different purposes. Sometimes it feels like the doors are infinite. The reflection of the door on the water surface somehow casts the space in a surreal appeal. The piece is designed to view it in either regular view or upside down. 門中門 終其一生我們為了不同目的走過 各種的門。有時候覺得門是無窮盡的延伸。水上的門倒影某種程度上塑造了超現實的空間感。這件作品刻意日讓觀賞者可以用正常角度或完全反過來的視角觀看。