  • Neither Upward, nor Downward 無上無下

    Oil on Canvas 油畫 Size: 30F (72.5x91cm) 2008 The image for this painting came into my mind during my mediation.  Immediately after, I sketched the idea. Later, I created the oil on canvas. Water is an important symbol in all of my works. With much of my art, you will find fluidity and the energy of connection. In my mind’s eye, the greatest symbol we have on earth to represent those things is water. It represents my feelings and thoughts towards many of my personal life experiences. At my core, it is the source of my creativity. Oftentimes, I imagine the universe in its humble beginnings; being in a state of nothingness, where there are no boundaries, time, or gravity. Then I visualize forms taking place; with gravitational pulls from various directions. As a result, time and space have their place. My favorite part about art and the audience is perception. Some may perceive this work as an indication of Yin and Yang, male and female, right and left, etc.  Most will view the image with a 90 degree angle in mind, in order to capture and section, but soon you will realize relativity is not present. The art work reveals my subconscious desire for absolute and total freedom from societal rules that bind, from obligations that hinder, from meaningless duties, from dull jobs, and from senseless norms that create havoc and discord. I intended to create a mysterious and tranquil image with endless depth. Viewers are welcome to imagine the content inside freely. 當我在冥想時我腦中浮現這幅景象,我立即將之速寫下來然後後來畫成這幅油畫。在這過去的幾年當中,我用水作為我主要的象徵以及創作的核心思想來反應我的生活經驗。我常常想像在萬物初開的那瞬間宇宙是一切空無、無邊無際、沒有重力等規則的。重力是從不同的方向被一直不斷地形塑和重塑。而在某個時間點上,二元對立的力量在這個世界扮演了一個很不可或缺的角色。 你可以想像成陰和陽的象徵或男和女,或只是左與右等等。如標題所暗示的,觀者難免會傾向轉九十度來觀看這幅影像,因為這樣才符合大家的視覺習慣。但是你會很快地瞭解沒有上方也沒有下方。 我想這個意象代表了我對自由的渴望。逃開對這個社會要求的必須遵守的規則、義務、責任、任務和工作的束縛。我想要創造一個靜謐和神秘的境界中有著無限的深度。觀眾可以自由地從任何角度來觀看這件作品。