  • The fantasy of an egg flower 蛋花的綺思

    Oil on Canvas油畫 150x60cm 2019. Women protect their babies while men protect their women as their priority. It seems to be a pretty nature principle to layout the foundation of countless legends and tales. The protein surrounding the yolk serves as the nutrition and protection to the new life. In this piece of work, the image of protein thrusting towards the yolk to form the shape of a flower indicates the metaphor of their mothers’ expectations. Their simple wish to bless their kids with prosperity could be just a fantasy because of endless challenges ahead of them. The eggshell is the shelter to flourish the new born also the last gift mothers can give. Female humans or animals always sacrifice themselves so much to trade off the prolongation and survival of the bloodline. Many risked their life to give birth or to protect their young born offspring. They deserved our respect for their selfless conducts. 此作中有一個女性懷抱著蛋黃的形象,水往上噴濺似的部分彷彿是蛋白,這部分又像是她抱著一束花朵。男性保護著女性,而女性保護著小孩是動物為了繁衍而產生的本能行為。背後隱約出現一個男性形象,因為他並不是此處的主角所以他被此曖昧隱諱的手法帶過。花束常是男性送給女性愛的表徵,在此同時,蛋黃也可以直接點明為懷胎當中,或是母親對於孕育下一代的期望。他經常使用的水形象同時代表著許多的意涵,一再地出現在他作品中、或許是精子、慾望、精力、力量、生命或愛等等。這中間有許多觀者可以自由詮釋和想像的空間。 這整顆裂解開的蛋殼漂浮在湖的上空就像是一顆飛蛋,背景遠方也透露出某些端倪,有更多飛蛋在空中。飛蛋這種超現實手法也是他慣用的方法之一,當我們想到這個字眼我們會聯想到毀滅性的武器飛彈,在這裡轉化為對於孕育下一代的願望之展現這看似簡單的願望,比方說只是希望小孩快樂地長大,事實可能遇到更大的險阻和殘酷現實的考驗,對於動物而言更是如此不可思議地困難。一切看來那麼艱鉅,但總是保留著絲絲細縷的希望,這是作品透露的重要訊息。