  • The fight between the eagle and the dragon 鷹龍大戰

    Oil on Canvas油畫 150x60cm Jul. 4. 2019 The eagle symbolized United States and the dragon represents China. The trade war between two strong economic entities draw so much attention of the world viewers. The fight is not only about economy (yolk), but also about overall ideology, military forces, relationship and complicated factors from the past. The upper part of the eggshell contains the traditional column shape from West. In China, dragon is used to form the base of columns in temples and official buildings as well. The rest of the world either take side of US or just watch the war with concern (mountains). No matter how, the water flows interchange between them fiercely regardless of their intention. 老鷹代表了美國而龍則是中國。中美貿易戰已經持續一段時間,引發了全世界持續的關注。這場戰爭不止是爭的是經濟(蛋黃),其牽扯到的是意識型態、軍事較勁、關係的發展以及過去歷史上複雜的因素交織而成的局面。蛋殼的上方包含了一個西方傳統的柱頭形式而龍也是在中國廟宇和官方建築中長出現在柱身上的表徵。其餘的世界要不站在美國這邊(翅膀狀的山) 或默默隱身支持中國,也或是憂慮地觀看局勢變化(左邊的山)。不論如何,水流不斷地在激烈的交戰中交流,水並不在乎雙方是好或壞的意圖。這代表著人們的交流總是持續進行著。