  • The cloud penetrates through timeless doors 穿越亙古之門的雲

    Oil on Canvas 油畫 30F (72.5x91cm) July 25. 2014 We all are aware the cloud is a form of water. The concept of this painting is pretty simple. I want to pinpoint out a simple fact that water penetrates doors throughout centuries. The water recycles in the world in any circumstances. Clouds seem to count as a whole regardless how far they scatter. The remaining question is the meanings of doors. 我們都知道雲朵是水的一種形式。這張作品的概念非常簡單,我想點出一個簡單的事實是長久以來水穿越各地的門。水在全世界,在各種環境下不斷地循環。雲朵不管延伸多遠,他們似乎可以被視為是一個整體。僅存的問題是門所代表的意義。